Carry on.

Happy Birthday To Me!

What a wonderful thing it is to be alive. It’s a privlege to have the opportunity to become a little bit better than you were yesterday. After some thought, continual personal improvement will be the focus for the year.

I guess you can say that my recent workplace health checkup started it all. Significantly obese, high coleserol count, genetic disposition for heart disease And diabetes… I was reminded that if I’m not careful, I won’t be able to keep my promise to my wife to serve several missions with her before I give up the ghost. I won’t be around the guide my children or see them serve missions, or see them married in the temple. I won’t be live to see my grandchildren. And it all starts with taking care of my health, both spiritual and physical .

So onto the first goal:

I will weigh 185lbs on December 1st 2010.


This January I start my UBC MBA program at UBC. Time for anything, money and most likely sanity will in short supply. But it will be worth it in the end. When we make it through to the end, we’ll be well on our way to a more stable career And life.

So onto goal number two:

Successfully complete the first year of my program by getting at least a B average to qualify for assistance.


There were a lot of emergencies that happened last year that gave us a good kick in the rear. Now that things are more stable, I’d reallly like to have a little but aside just in case

Goal number three: have $1000 set aside by the end of the year just in case.

My mindset goal for the year? Faith and confidence.

As usual spiritual and family related goals will be on a private post. Let’s just say that I will do all I can to more faithful, more kind and less judgemental.

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