Carry on.

New Possibilities

There has been so much change in our lives over the past little while that I have been blessed with new possibilities – possibilities that I never would have imagined to be available two years ago.

School is going quite well. If I pull through and continue with the same grades, it would definitely be possible to persue a new path that I hadn’t really considered to this point. Two years ago, I was still in my Chemical Engineering mindset – just pass and get the degree. But now, I feel that I could do so much more, with the help of my Father in Heaven and the support of my family.

I’m considering two tracks at the moment: LLB/MBA or MBA/International Relations. Why the combined degree? So far I have found that having an MBA is nice, but without a specific skill or trade to complement it, I will not be able to channel the MBA to a worthwhile career that will care for my family’s needs and wants. I want an International Career – and a combined degree will help me obtain it.

I asked my wife, “Is it too late for me? Am I too old to go through this?” Right away she gave me a resounding , “NO! You’re smart and have the ability to do it. I want you to do the best you can and to accomplish those goals.” I love my wife. Ever since I dropped out of my Chemical Enigneering degree, I have never seen myself as someone who has the ability to achieve much. But my wife keeps reminding me and encouraging me and telling me that I can do it. I’m starting to believe it now.

Up until now, I always thought that I would just get my bachelors and get a good job. That’s not good enough for me now. My father in Heaven has blessed me with so much and I have left it Dormant for too long.

It is going to be a long and difficult journey from this trail of mediocrity to the trail of the success that I have always dreamed about. It will take a lot of study, a lot of sleepless nights, a lot of stress and frustration. It will be hard for my wife. But as I progress through my Bachelors, I’ve noticed that my wife is pleased that I’m going through with it, even though it means less time for her and my son. Once the Graduate studies come into play, the time crunch will be even more pronnounced. She’s tough and I know she can handle it. Why? Because she is so Loyal and has never, ever complained. She sees the big picture and she sees how this will benefit our family. I know that after the six years is finished, that we will still be in love and strong, and committed to keeping that promise to be together forever.

The best example I have known who went through this is Ken Iwaasa. He persued an advanced medical degree while at the same time, raised a family of five – at the same time serving diligently in his Church. I really admire his resolve and his positive attitude. I want to do the same.

A little note of self inspection won’t hurt. I feel compelled to ask myself, “Herb, can you handle it? Can you handle the amount of work and preparation that lies ahead of you? Can you handle the naysayers and people close to you who don’t want to see you succeed? Can you handle doing all of this and still support your family both temporally and spiritually? Can you do all of this and still have a testimony of the Savior and His True Church?”

I can… and I will.

I pray that my Father in Heaven will support me. I pray that I will live a life in such a way that I can qualify for that support. Above all the study and work involved, I need to start living a more faithful life – a gospel centered life. For without it, I will not have the Master’s hand beside me. I must live more righteously and put away the bad habits and poor traits that plague my life.

One thought on “New Possibilities

  1. CC

    You can do it!! Somehow I don’t remember any of those motivational phrases we had back in engineering. =P

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