Carry on.

2019 – A Fresh Canvas

One of my most favorite songs from Oasis is “Don’t Look Back in Anger“. While 2018 was certainly a tough year that I could be reasonably angry or upset about, a lot of great things were afforded to me from my Father in Heaven. Improved health. A stable job (passed probation!) with great opportunities to grow, a wonderful trip with my wife, children and extended family, a fantastic opportunity to explore Saint John and Eastern Canada are some of the many blessings that highlighted the year. Much of these blessings were unexpected – brought about with a little bit of my own effort, but mostly through the tender mercies of the Lord, to coin a phrase that David A. Bednar beautifully stated during 2005 General conference.

While I have a few ideas on what I would like to happen in 2019, I truly don’t know what lies ahead for me and my family this year. Here are my goals:

  1. Health. Lose another 30 pounds. Last year, I had a goal of reducing my weight from 260 lbs to 180. Currently I’m at 227 lbs (a loss of 30). While I am still aiming for that target, I think it’s reasonable to achieve another 30 pounds minimum for the year with the goal of 180 in 2020.
  2. Health. Run the Amazing Thailand 2019 half marathon. This one is already set up, but the temptation to skip it entirely on my trip to Thailand in 3 weeks is strong. I need to stay focussed and keep my running habits up right to the end.
  3. Health. Run a full marathon in Fall 2019. I need to choose one. The fact that I did not finish my marathon in Niagara Falls a few years back really bothers me – only 8 more miles left and I bonked out. I need to do it while my knees are still functional.
  4. Spirit. Consistent scripture study with Family in 2019. There have been so many changes at Church that put the onus on us as a family to build our faith and testimony. I need to give my children a fighting chance at strengthening their testimony by studying with them daily. Following the manual with them daily will help.
  5. Spirit. Worthiness. Be worthy. Enough said.
  6. Spirit. Be more open to service. Make more time to be available to help someone in need. Minister. Magnify calling. Last year, I really dropped the ball on that one.
  7. Career – OSSU. Complete the CS50 Introduction to Computer Science and CS50 Introduction to Python courses. My overall goal is to complete an open source (read: free) degree in computer science on the side.
  8. Career – Read 3 new books. Leadership Presence is one of them. Need to choose 2 more
  9. Career – Become more social again. In the past few years I’ve allowed myself to retreat to my office/home/room/car. It has really affected my ability to relate to people and support them the way I used to in the past. Getting out there, chatting with people and looking for ways to help and assist will be key in establishing myself as a leader in my new job.
  10. Family. Continue to date and adore my wife the way I should.
  11. Family. Do not hide in my room. Stay in the living room more.
  12. Family. At least once a month take one of my children out for breakfast.
  13. Family. Prepare for Evelyn and Mom’s kidney transplant should that come up this year

It’s a tall order of little things. But if I can do the majority of these things (preferably all), it will be a successful year. The Goals may change. Things may go off course as the year progresses. But hopefully I can endure things well and carry on in 2019.

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