Carry on.

They are definitely getting bigger

The old man is now eight, the girls are in pre school, the youngest is talking up a storm. My children are getting bigger. And it’s wonderful seeing how they are becoming,

Tomorrow the old man has his gymnastics performance. This will be the first time I get to see him in action and I wouldn’t miss it for the world. He’s good at what he does. I do hope that he gets some enjoyment out of it, but the main thing that I would like him to learn is that with enough practice and dedication, he can be really, really be good at something.

I feel a bit sad being away from the house so much. I really don’t know my ore three children as much as I would like. I am happy though that by the time I am done my studies, they will still be young enough for me to get to be with them and spend some time with them. So much is riding on this schooling that I can’t fail them.

When I am done here at ubc though, a very long and nappy vacation is certainly in order. They deserve at least that.

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